The Silly Scrapper

March 4, 2009

Scrapbooking Weekend Retreat

Filed under: Uncategorized — thesillyscrapper @ 11:29 pm

I had an awesome time at a scrapbooking retreat this past weekend!  My friend Cheryl organizes these weekends twice a year, and I can’t wait for the next one!  There were 17 ladies (with 10 Cricuts between us!) all in one large room,  scrapbooking.

All of our meals were prepared for us, so the only effort we had to put in at mealtime was tearing ourselves away from our layouts.  Sleeping was optional, which is why it has taken me until Wednesday to stay awake long enough to write this post!  I saw 4:30 one night and 5:30 another.  And breakfast was at 9:00!

The best part of these weekends is all of the sharing that goes on.  If you need something, ask – someone probably has what you are looking for.  If you get stuck, ask – someone will help you when you can’t see the layout for the paper.  I met some really nice women, renewed acquaintances with some I met at the last retreat, and turned some of those acquaintances into friends.  And best of all, these wonderful women allowed me to take pictures of their work, so I will be posting it soon!

If you get the chance to go on a weekend retreat, here is my advise:  Ask how much table space you will get.  A lot of places only give you 4 feet of space, and if you spread your stuff out like me, that is not enough space.  Cheryl gives us at least a full 8 foot table.  If you do get 4 feet, and you can make that work – GO!  If you get more than 4 feet, GO!  Basically, JUST GO!


  1. I was on the scrapbooking weekend with Leah and she does some beautiful and creative pages. The weekend was fantastic and Leah didn’t get much sleep because she was messing around with her cricut to spell out the word “Wilson” for a scrap page of my daughter’s basketball cheerleading picture. What a beautiful job she did….making the letters “just so”. Thanks again Leah. I have gotten many compliments on that page and I wanted to thank you again.
    You are amazing! Doreen

    Comment by Doreen — March 7, 2009 @ 11:27 pm | Reply

    • Thanks Doreen for your kind words! You do some great work yourself! You are an awesome person, and I had so much fun joking around with you over the weekend. I hope we can do it again in October!

      Comment by thesillyscrapper — March 8, 2009 @ 8:47 pm | Reply

      • Thanks Leah. I really enjoyed it and I will be back in October for sure……Doreen

        Comment by Doreen — March 10, 2009 @ 2:56 pm

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