The Silly Scrapper

March 17, 2009

The Ribbon Lady

Filed under: Page Layouts,Tips and Tricks — thesillyscrapper @ 7:17 pm

Colleen was one of the women on my scrapbook weekend. She is so funny! All weekend she talked about visiting her friends Michael and JoAnn (get it? Michael’s and JoAnn Fabrics and Crafts) and coming home with all kinds of scrapbooking supplies. One of those supplies was ribbon. You see, Colleen is the Ribbon Lady. She can’t leave a craft store without some type of ribbon. The ribbon container she used to use has now turned into a ribbon tub. She uses ribbon on almost every page. In fact, it was worth announcing when she did a page without ribbon!

Colleen has some very inventive ways to use ribbon. Here is a page that she created using two different types and sizes of ribbon.



Besides the ribbon, check out Colleen’s matting. I use double mats quite often on my pages, but I have never thought to do the second mat just in the opposing corners as she has done here. What a great way to interject a color into the layout when you don’t have enough to do full mats!

Thanks Colleen for letting me photograph and post some of your great work!

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